Hermes Emerges As The BBNaija 2022 Week 7 Head Of House


Hermes Wins The BBNaija Level Up Week 7 Head Of House Game Challenge


Talented Big Brother Naija Season 7 housemate Hermes has just emerged and has been crowned as the Winner and the official seventh head of house for the Big Brother Naija 2022 Season 7 Level Up Edition. Hermes has officially Becomes the number 7 and second head Of House after the housemates have merged for BBNaija Season 7 after so much work put in place and emerging as the winner.

Hermes Emerges As The BBNaija 2022 Week 7 Head Of House
Hermes Emerges As The BBNaija 2022 Week 7 Head Of House


The Big Brother Naija Season 7 week 7  head of house game has been rounded up. This is officially the second week 7 of the Big Brother Naija Season 7 2022 Level up week 7 head of house games is on to determine the week 7 head of house.


As you already know in the Big Brother Naija Show every week the house are taken to the game arena to compete for a chance to rule the house for the whole week whoever that wins the BBNaija Season 7 Week 7 head of house game at the arena is automatically the leader of the house for the week which is the second week of BBNaija Level Up Edition.


During the Week 6 BBNaija Season 7 Edition Head of house game some of the housemates that went against the Head of house weekly game rules were disqualified the likes of Hermes and some of the others were disqualified from participating in the week 7 head of house games.


How The Winner Of BBNaija Level Up Week 7 Head Of House Was Determined:


For Week 7 BBNaija 2022 Level up head of house games the 24 Big Brother Naija Season 7 Level Up housemates were asked to go into the Week 7 Head of house arena to fight and battle for the Week 7 head of house winner which is usually determined by the level of hard work and participation during the Week 7 head of house games.


The first head of house games for the week 7 Head Of House challenge, Biggie introduced the housemates to fishing as they were given a fishing competition the housemates that get more value of fishes will automatically qualify for round 2.


After completing  the first Week 7 head of house challenge games the only housemates that made it to the next stage are Chomzy, Chichi, Hermes and Eloswag. Hermes finally emerged as the winner.

BBNaija Week 7 Head of house game task:

The qualified Big Brother Naija Season 7 Level Up Housemates were given a second task by Biggie. In a canoe provided fishes which bears the Head Of House (HoH) anyone that picks it wins the challenge.


Winner Of BBNaija Week 7 Head Of House Games:



After the housemate rounded up the head of house game, the winner of the head of house game for week 7 who is Hermes was automatically given the head of house mantle and he is the ruler of the house for the seventh week in Big Brother Level up house.


Hermes Won BBNaija Week 6 Head Of House Games.

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